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How to Lift My Mood

How to Lift My Mood

How to Lift My Mood

The most important thing to remember about your psychology, is that your brain feeds on whatever information is presented to it, no matter how good or bad it is.

The brain absorbs anything perceived through the five senses; irrespective of whether it is right or wrong, uplifting or depressing, accurate or fake.

The brain not only feeds upon the information, it swallows it, digests it, and incorporates it into its tissues.

The brain uses the information to form its "working theory" by which it explains to itself, "the way the world really works". This "working theory" is its guide for every step you take and every move you make, and to shape your emotional responses.

The information your brain is exposed to, shapes your subjective experience, your personal reality.

So, mentally and emotionally, whether you live in a palace or a prison, is completely dependent on what type of information you feed your amazing brain.

If you feed your brain a monotonous diet of fear messages, miserable news, disasters and depressions, then your mind will absorb that information, assimilate it and use it to build models of the world, that corresponds to the nature of the information being used to construct it.

On the other hand, if you fill your mind with the latest scientific breakthroughs, advances in technology, examples of how great humans can be when they are at their best, then your mind will integrate THAT information, and use it to build a more optimistic model of the world, which corresponds to the positive quality of the information used to build it.

The interesting thing to note about both models, is that both are correct, in the sense that every piece of information is true, and so the whole is true.

But, it is selective truth.

Whether your mind is essentially optimistic or fearful, depends entirely on the selection of facts you expose your brain to, and therefore, the model of the world your mind builds.

Computer programmers say, "Garbage IN, Garbage OUT" (GIGO).

Nutritionists say, "You are what you eat".

Psychologists say, "You feel whatever you think about".

Think about that.

If you don't feel as optimistic as you want to feel, or if you feel more downhearted, than you want to feel, then make the necessary adjustments to your mental diet.

You feel whatever you think about.

You think about whatever you expose your mind to.

And YOU can decide to change what you expose your mind to... today.

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About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness

  • How to be More Efficient
    If it feels like you haven't got enough hours in the day, take a look at these tips in order to make your life easier by becoming more efficient.
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  • Don't be afraid to ask for help
    Asking for help is not a sign of failure or weakness. On the contrary, the ability to ask for help and to avail oneself of the combined brainpower of the team is a sign of maturity, intelligence and power.
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  • Don't Reward Yourself with Failure
    Celebrate achievements wisely. Opt for value, not calories. Avoid rewards that lead to pitfalls. Choose fulfilling celebrations, not setbacks.
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  • Emotional Intelligence
    Emotional intelligence is the ability to empathise, or understand and appreciate how another person feels, given their context. Learn how to develop your emotional intelligence.
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  • How to get the best performance from yourself and others.
    If we can get other people to give their best performance, then our lives would be easier. But first, we must get the best from ourselves. Here are three ways you can be sure to get the best from yourself and others.
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